Logo Détails Investigation - Agence d'investigation - Enquêteurs - Laval - Montréal - Québec

Loss prevention  –  Retail stores
It is undeniable that the various monetary losses are caused by fraud, theft, embezzlement and  inventory deficits and they are usually caused by gaps during operational and financial controls. These offenses directly affect the profitability of your business and greatly influence your assets.
This hard reality hits the businesses of today and more particularly in retail business.  It is therefore imperative to act early utilizing the necessary tools to mitigate the losses through controls.  Our specialists in loss prevention will guide you through the  necessary steps to reduce losses and will train your employees and managers in order to be proactive in daily operations.

  • Labor Policy;
  • Procedures and operational control;
  • Training of employees and managers;
  • Follow Up: audit of cash operations, analysis of transactions, analysis of operations by viewing the video systems, honesty test, closing verification and pre-employment verification.